Returning and Rest

“Almost daily meditations begun in the time of coronovirus and expanded into new life, new ideas, well...imagination! In this time of isolation when we are all more aware than ever before of the space between us, may this space offer opportunities for blessing. And as we return to life post COVID may we recognize the extraordinary in the ordinary, the sacramental in the daily, as we recognize, reorder, reprioritize and respond to the holy in our midst. “ Those are the words which introduce my blog BlessingImagination begun March 17, 2020. I decided to revisit them yesterday as I felt some disbelief that I was still writing !? and some disconnection from the mission. Two things struck me and caused me to return to purpose. First, while these were begun in the time of coronovirus they have been impassioned by the accompanying virus of systemic racism. Somehow multiple viruses have been energizing and depleting at the same time. Much of my meditation is spent balancing despair as it...