
I have vivid memories of sitting on the beach at the Delaware shore as a young child and staring for what seemed like hours at the horizon. Gazing really. And wondering what lay beyond the hazy line? I “knew” if I concentrated my gaze would land on England! I “learned” I was gazing at Wonder! Occasionally a ship emerged from that line giving hope, first a dot, then a dash, then...
I have been haunted my entire life by what lies beyond, beyond the horizon, beyond the obvious, beyond the perceptible. 
Perhaps that is why I feel so comfortable with simply pondering this mystery of beyondness. I confess the nerd in me relates these mysteries to the tangents and limits and asymptotic aspects of calculus...but I diverge?!
Beyondness is ironically for me proof of God. God is always more, always here and there and everywhere. Always beyond our knowing yet confirmed somehow in our letting go of information. 
For children Buzz Lightyear may plant a seed of infinity and beyond, but what about adults? Is the fantastic possibility of infinity and beyond still alive? 
Today I will stare at the horizon here in the mountains, more varied and even layered but that just adds to the numinousness! I will ask for deeper wisdom that the vastness of God’s creation welcome the infinitessimalness of my desire to know by unknowing. 


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