Blessed Assurance, Silence is Mine

Our awareness of God is a syntax of the silence in which our souls mingle with the divine, in which the ineffable in us communes with the ineffable beyond us. It is the afterglow of years in which soul and sky are silent together, the out-growth of accumulated certainty of the abundant, never-ebbing presence of the divine. All we are called to do is to let the insight be able to listen to the soul's recessed certainty of its being a parenthesis in the immense script of God's eternal speech.
Abraham Joshua Heschel

Sometimes quotes about silence cause silence...there are not words. So I apologize for these few...Heschel, one of my heroes, wrote a book entitled I Asked For Wonder and the title itself causes me to pause and realize the answer which is always available. Wonder is always there, just as holy silence is. 
In this quote from Heschel I am struck by the “syntax of silence” as though silence is a language, a dialogue of souls. Deep calls to deep. Ineffable to ineffable.
There is so much we do not understand and yet this ought not cause us to cease from receiving.
And then the reassurance in this mysterious numinous space of “never-ebbing presence of the divine.” 
Never-ebbing, never changing in this perpetually changing world...just imagine. 
Blessed assurance, Silence is mine.


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