Cup of Blessings


Last Sunday I preached about undistinguished or undifferentiated grace, the grace which flows toward us without seeking anything in return and without evaluating the recipient’s merit or worth.

This morning I sit with the mug which bears the image of a stained glass window through which light flows in the same manner transforming distinct images into blended color and one impression. 

As I ponder this numinous notion and give thanks for it, I find myself thinking also, perhaps even more, about the cup itself and the story it tells. I carried this vessel to a very difficult meeting at EDS in the spring of 2014. It gave me or reminded me of truth and courage. 

Again, this is testimony to the sacramental life wherein visible touchable things are imbued with meaning, invisible grace, if we but pause to connect and associate our lives with the articles which remind. 

This is not about holding onto every object...I promise! It is about recognizing the significance of a few. It is about the stories of our lives which they help us summon. And stories are very close to prayers connecting us with that which is holy. 

I invite you to sit with your favorite mug and let the stories flow. 


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