Beauty in the Wilderness
“Sometimes we have to get lost before we find the beauty that surrounds us. It can take going to the hard places, the desolate places, the painful places, for us to find joy. Sometimes we have to hit rock bottom before we can find the solid ground of our being.” I came across this quotation in my notes and I confess I have “lost” the source, even googling it didn’t get good results so please forgive me as I hone in on what I find to be its wisdom. As Lent begins this year I have been constantly reminded of a few things: mercy, mapless territory, and beauty. I have prayed about how these terms might be speaking to me right now and am trying this on: I am in a wilderness territory as I/we begin a new phase of our lives. The word retirement does not quite describe things as I find myself busier than ever and honoring my priesthood in new and life-giving ways. But mapless does describe it! I don’t have many entries in my calendar at least not familiar ones, though there is a certain ...