Wordless Blessing


What blessing do you long for? A reassurance? An affirmation? A realization of sacred wonder? 

In an essay on Wonder by Australian writer Helen Garner, she offers this: “‘Go in peace, my daughter. I ope to hear nothing but good of you, as long as I live.’ That’s the blessing I’ve been longing for all my life…” 

Her words inspired my blessing ruminations this morning. I believe that years ago I would have opted for a blessing of reassurance of being good enough. I thought love came in words. And now I find myself recalling the abundance of blessings in my life, most of them moments unaccompanied by speech. Most of them indescribable.

The peaceful look which flickered in my mother’s eyes as she was dying. 

That gaze was from and to eternity. Her life was a blessing. 

The photograph of two grandchildren smiling broadly face to face on a white sand beach as sun glistened on the ocean and danced with them. 

No words are adequate.

I feel a bit disingenuous putting words into a blog about wordless moments?! Perhaps the words transport us to silence if we let them, toward a still blessing. 

I will pause now and enter into this realization of sacred wonder: by a fire, puppy curled in my lap, Beethoven’s violin concerto completing a trinitarian blessing. May we become the blessings received.


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