Delivered by Grace

 Luther says, “Grace is the experience of being delivered from experience.” 

I think that if grace is indeed a gift, a mysterious divine gift, then this must feel like floating. After all, being delivered from experience sounds a lot like deliverance from a false tether, a letting go. And it is in letting go of earthly, material expectations that we are met with … grace!

I am trying to think of such a moment in my life when I felt this unbearable lightness of being. What comes to mind is the night after giving birth to my first child. The hospital, never devoid of sounds, seemed as though it were. The darkness upon which I gazed was at once a brightly lit city and also twinkling of stars piercing a beautiful darkness.

I remember feeling suspended as though in a bubble dancing in space.

Starry starry night/paint your palette blue and green...How you tried to set them free...

I felt as though I were floating in a sea, or space, of grace. No earthly experience or expectation detracted from this joyful freedom. I would know it forever even if returning to those less gracefilled experiences. I would be re-membered by the memory.


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