The Brightness of Eternity
I came across the poem below by R.S. Thomas quite serendipitously. It was not in any of my Advent collections. If anything it was filed away with “mindfulness” and “presence”. And yet it spoke to me as though a Christmas gift.
I was just yesterday telling someone that I was so grateful for a heightened awareness during this strange Advent, a deepening of faith and hope really.
This Advent has caused me to pause more and not to “go my way” quite as unthinkingly without some moment of appreciation.
This week I hope we are readier to “turn aside like Moses to the a brightness” never to be taken for granted. Perhaps the pandemics and accompanying anxiety and grief have hollowed out that space for the brightness of eternity to enter in. How silently, how silently...
The Bright Field by R.S. Thomas
I have seen the sun break through
to illuminate a small field
for a while, and gone my way
and forgotten it. But that was the pearl
of great price, the one field that had
the treasure in it. I realize now
that I must give all that I have
to possess it. Life is not hurrying
on to a receding future, nor hankering after
an imagined past. It is the turning
aside like Moses to the miracle
of the lit bush, to a brightness
that seemed as transitory as your youth
once, but is the eternity that awaits you.
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