When Tragic Isn't Tragic Anymore


“..in liminal space, midway between tedium and transfiguration. Dark night and unitive dawn are no longer all that different; reality simply is as it is.” Cynthia Bourgeault

Some call it the tragic gap, that in-between space rendered jaggedly open upon crucifixion. Some liminal space between this world and the next. What remains, for now is the time between the first and second coming.

The gap called tragic is also that in which we live and move and have our being and thus is also holy.

And hard. 

I am not so much moved to describe this existence as to note that between the first and second coming is the Risen Christ. When we lean toward desolation there is the consolation of the Holy Spirit. The tragic gap then is the space of transformation as we are shaped to reach the shores of eternity. 


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