Reverence: Piercing Gaze


Reverence may be that which so focuses our whole attention and awareness as to transform categories into holy spectra. Reverence pierces the backslash between dualities and blurs bright lines. 

Reverence is defined as deep respect “tinged with awe”. It is that tinged with awe part that separates reverence from mere polite response. It is the awe part which recognizes the sacredness. Reverence recognizes (re-cognizes) the sacred and refuses to desecrate. 

There are moments in that pause before lifting the chalice or in bowing to the cross or in lifting arms to bless when some Presence seems to overtake me and I become the vessel, the prayer, through which God may speak. God consecrates and reverence is our opportunity to engage and enter God’s holy realm.

It is a piercing, awe-filled gaze into a sacred world.


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