Because I Miss You

I know I said I was retreating and yet, when I came across this quote I knew it had to be for you!
"Stand still. The trees ahead and the bushes beside you Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here, And you must treat it as a powerful Stranger or Must ask permission to know it and be known." David Wagoner
Thus, begins the chapter on the Dark Night of the Soul in Barbara Brown Taylor's book Learning to Walk In the Dark. Thus stands a quote I had forgotten and in the reminding was consoled like melting into a familiar chair in my homecoming.
To know something or someone and to be known is at the heart of our becoming who we truly are. There is something poignant in that truism as we realize this process of salvation continues and even strengthens in the midst of pandemics plural.
I now leave to stand among the trees and bushes and rocks and waters of New Hampshire with the reassurance that they are not lost and somehow neither am I.
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