Beauty is eternity/eternity is you

Beauty cannot be objectified or envisioned—it must be understood, felt, experienced and believed in. So it is with God or whatever Higher Power one worships. While the following from The Prophet is lengthy, it is lyrical and true. It reads like Corinthians on love: love is gentle and kind. We often look for definitions and limits but Beauty and the poet call us to wonder and awe, a limitless expansiveness. Let us rest in the gentleness, in the “half-shyness”, with the angels, and let Beauty whisper to us. May we hear ourselves, our true selves, our beautiful selves, in the whisper. On Beauty Kahlil Gibran - 1883-1931 And a poet said, Speak to us of Beauty. And he answered: Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide? And how shall you speak of her except she be the weaver of your speech? The aggrieved and the injured say, “Be...