A Shimmer of Something

As we continue this journey in the wilderness of COVID 19 I find myself looking for signs of grace, signs of hope. Our parish spontaneously began sending pictures of spring to each other! Gardens, flowers, birds! I realized I was looking at Easter books to read to the grandchildren! Bunnies and colors! I found myself smiling, a sign of grace in itself! These are "shimmers" of something! Shimmers of a holy creativity which resides within and is in these times being shown without in new ways! Calls and notes and waves have become benedictions once almost forgotten. Music has aroused old and new meaning, witness to new mergers in time. And so as I pondered these firefly fleeting moments and desired to catch them, I let go and prayed them travel to my loved ones. The shared experience still being more profound than the isolated one. And I found myself remembering one of my favorite proems by Brian Doyle. I am re-membered as I do so! We too are in that liminal space be...