Holy Conscientiousness

Today I am vowing to turn these challenging times into creative ones, not just by bingeing on Grace and Frankie or Law and Order, but by communicating, which has the same root as communion and is closely aligned with compassion. In other words, finding ways to hold us together, to be together. Essentially this is a time to pray with!
A gem of our faith and the title of its codification is The Book of Common Prayer.
I, and perhaps you, am taking some time to gently hold it and use it differently in these days, not only by praying the daily office but by pondering collects and prayers less often used and by realizing that there might never be a better time for the pastoral offices. I already cannot imagine falling asleep without praying Compline.
Coronovirus may have altered our ways of living physically but it has not limited our prayer, our love nor our imaginations.
I am not sure I have ever prayed the Lord's Prayer with more hope and longing; I know the Prayer of St Francis has been carved more deeply into my heart. 
Also the Collect for Guidance; the Collect for Peace.
And let's remember the psalms: Psalm 23 is prescribed for this Sunday and in my hospice work of late I have come to comprehend its relevance and instruction for all parts of our lives. I am still baffled by but keep trying on the table for enemies part?! I realize more than ever that all things are possible with God and if God is setting that table then I probably ought to attend.
Because after all God has and will always feed us with holy food and drink of new and unending love. 
And there it is, full circle: love never ends never disappoints and no COVID 19 can change love...only opportunities for incarnating and embodying it. 
For today I offer a prayer which a friend reminded me of by Sister Joan Chittister:
Prayer for Conscience and Courage
Loving God,
lead us beyond ourselves
to care and protect, 
to nourish and shape
to challenge and energize
both the life and the world
You have given us.

God of light and God of darkness,
God of conscience and God of courage
lead us through this time
of spiritual confusion and public uncertainty.

Lead us beyond fear, apathy and defensiveness
to new hope in You and to hearts full of faith.

Give us the conscience it takes
to comprehend what we're facing.
to see what we're looking at
and to say what we see
so that others, hearing us,
may also brave the pressure that comes
with being out of public step.

Give us the courage we need
to confront those things that compromise our consciences
or threaten our integrity.

Give us, most of all,
the courage to follow those before us
who challenged wrong and changed it,
whatever the cost to themselves.

Let's remember we are together in this. And let's pray for holy conscientiousness! M


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