A Poem A Prayer and A Promise

On this Saturday I am hoping to spend some time in prayer and composing a sermon for tomorrow but realize how important it has become to me to reach out and touch you virtually at least. So I offer a poem and a prayer and a promise:
the poem:
This is the time to be slow,
Lie low to the wall
Until the bitter weather passes.

Try, as best you can, not to let
The wire brush of doubt
Scrape from your heart
All sense of yourself
And your hesitant light.
If you remain generous,
Time will come good;
And you will find your feet
Again on fresh pastures of promise,
Where the air will be kind
And blushed with beginning.


the prayer:
Lord of the Feast, we thank you for gathering us as your people. We call to remembrance the many times we have been fed at your table and we lament our distance now. Be present Lord Jesus as you were present with your disciples, be known to us in the breaking of the bread, and may your Holy Spirit sustain us and all your Church until we can gather together again. We ask this for the sake of your love. Amen.( with thanks to the Diocese of Pennsylvania)

the promise:
Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

know that I pray for all of you especially during Compline at the end of the day!

Blessings, M


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