One Monarch Butterfly


I was walking the property with our contractor when a beautiful monarch butterfly flitted between us, around us, then through us. I felt something amazing inside and stopped our conversation that we both might pause and notice. 

Something so small and random had awakened two lives and caused us both to pay attention. He spoke of memories of a butterfly bush which his wife had tended. I heard affection. I remembered my three children’s enacting the butterfly migration in kindergarten. I remembered affection as well. 

Both of us were called to wonder.

About an hour later on the other side of the house as I walked the precious dog, the monarch showed up again. I observed the same dance and almost flitted myself but self consciousness took over. I was consoled however by the possibility that I might be participating in some kind of cosmic dance by being fully present, more fully awakened.

To what? 

I suppose the simplest way of concluding is to say I felt blessed, I felt some new emerging life was being blessed. 

They say that when a monarch shows up it can mean a lot of beautiful things: a visit from a loved one, an encouragement for a new life.

And just to remember the incredible way they migrate such a distance by sun and magnetic field is enough to open the imagination to a vastness and faith which are not entirely scientifically explained.

For me, that day, those moments, were enough to awaken hope. Hope for an awakened life, hope for a continued recognition of Beauty in all its forms even in the midst of despair. Hope for an ultimate freedom expressed in a cosmic dance, not duplicable but mystically experienced.

I felt lighter and joyful and aligned with some energy which would continue to carry me, not necessarily in a straight line, home. Grace will lead us home…


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