Blessing of Hope

 And just like that Advent begins this Sunday and we light the candle of hope. Hope. May it be present this day and everyday.


So may we know
the hope
that is not just
for someday
but for this day—
here, now,
in this moment
that opens to us:

hope not made
of wishes
but of substance,

hope made of sinew
and muscle
and bone,

hope that has breath
and a beating heart,

hope that will not
keep quiet
and be polite,

hope that knows
how to holler
when it is called for,

hope that knows
how to sing
when there seems
little cause,

hope that raises us
from the dead—

not someday
but this day,
every day,
again and
again and

—Jan Richardson
from The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief


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