maple flavored living water
“Today maple sap flows like a stream of water with only a trace of sweetness to remind the people both of possibility and of responsibility.” Robin Wall Kimmerer adaptation from oral tradition in Braiding Sweetgrass
I am wondering where and how we might be having this same experience. It seems so important and so right. Living water with a trace of sweetness, a reminder of joy and love, also reminds us of care and stewardship.
I often find myself pondering possibility and response-ability. To enter that space requires a pause, albeit fueled by wonder. Thursday I paused on the side of a road which ran along the Housatonic. I was already feeling a little tingly as the bright blue sky had dramatically pushed a dense fog away. So the water was glistening as it flowed over silky rocks. I noticed two fly-fisherpeople upstream seemingly enveloped in the moment. Their movements were graceful and focused.
Grace, attention, living water, and wonder seemed to be the ingredients which came together to raise up the possibilities, of gratitude, of beauty, and the response-abilities, of sabbath, of prayer, of care. It took only a trace of sweetness.
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