Where Prayer has been Valid


You are not here to verify,

Instruct yourself, or inform curiosity

Or carry report. You are here to kneel

Where prayer has been valid. —T. S. Eliot, “Little Gidding”

I had not written anything this morning. There was too much whirling in my brain. So instead of just putting something out there I let it go and allowed myself to just read and pray. Silly me! The quote above which opened Richard Rohr’s meditation caught me up short and seemed to collect all my random ideas and to remind me that it is not about me; it is about authentic, reverent gesture. There is an overwhelming level of sacred aspects to the cosmos; and too many attempts to desecrate them. 

Sometimes the only thing to do is to acknowledge the beauty, the magnitude, the confusion, and the sorrows and offer up, not a solution, but a prayer of presence. It feels rather psalmic really. 

T.S. Eliot takes me to a space of reverence and humility which may be exactly where I should be today. So this is where I stop, hit send, and kneel for a while. 


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