The echo of beloved


I give thanks this morning for baptism. For the reminder and remainder of the echo of belovedness. While it has been too long since I have witnessed or celebrated a baptism, there are other signs and other memories which bring me to water, to covenant and to relationship with Love. May these hold us in the wilderness, hold us in compassion for self and each other. May we know we and thee are beloved, beloved, beloved. May that be the echo in the wilderness.

Beloved Is Where We Begin

If you would enter

into the wilderness,

do not begin

without a blessing.

Do not leave

without hearing

who you are:


named by the One

who has traveled this path

before you.

Do not go

without letting it echo

in your ears,

and if you find

it is hard

to let it into your heart,

do not despair.

That is what

this journey is for.

I cannot promise

this blessing will free you

from danger,

from fear,

from hunger

or thirst,

from the scorching

of sun

or the fall

of the night.

But I can tell you

that on this path

there will be help.

I can tell you

that on this way

there will be rest.

I can tell you

that you will know

the strange graces

that come to our aid

only on a road

such as this,

that fly to meet us

bearing comfort

and strength,

that come alongside us

for no other cause

than to lean themselves

toward our ear

and with their

curious insistence

whisper our name:




—Jan Richardson

from Circle of Grace: A Book of Blessings for the Seasons

Rev. Dr. Martha Tucker
"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and walk humbly with your God" --Micah 6:8
“We seldom notice how each day is a holy place Where the eucharist of the ordinary happens, Transforming our broken fragments Into an eternal continuity that keeps us.” 
― John O'Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Invocations and Blessings
I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.


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