Strength to Heal and Save


I have been facilitating a Bible Study on developing pastoral and prophetic lenses in these difficult times. Developing lenses to care for others and to speak truth to power is holy work. The words of the hymn below, which had not been as familiar to me as I might have wished, leapt off the page in Sunday’s worship. I have been praying them since and offer them to you as not only a comprehensive litany of pastoral responsibilities but as a litany of compassion and mercy, beatitudes really. In today’s world we constantly renew our intercessions for healing and seek the strength and courage to love our neighbors. May the salvation history which this hymn honors be living and burning in our hearts today.

Thine arms, O Lord, in days of old

Were strong to heal and save;

They triumphed o'er disease and death,

O'er darkness and the grave.

To you they went, the blind, the deaf,

The palsied, and the lame,

The leper set apart and shunned,

The sick and those in shame.

And then your touch brought life and health,

Gave hearing, speech, and sight;

While strength renewed and health restored

Acclaimed you Lord of light;

And so, O Lord, be near to bless,

With all your healing pow'r,

In troubled home, in crowded street,

In sorrow's saddest hour.

O be our mighty healer still,

Great Lord of life and death;

Restore and strengthen, soothe and bless,

With your almighty breath;

On hands that work and eyes that see,

Your healing wisdom pour,

That whole and sick, and weak and strong,

May praise you evermore.


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