More than I-It


“The primary word I–Thou can only be spoken with the whole being. The primary word I–It can never be spoken with the whole being.” Martin Buber

Along with the famous quote by Martin Buber, which is really an entire philosophy, is what some theologians say about God: God is always More. More than we can fathom, measure, express. More in order to inspire wonder and awe. More in order to redeem and reconcile all things, all.

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and I found myself reflecting on the gap between objectifying love in cards and symbols and honoring love with reverence. I think it is in the orientation and the Presence. By that I mean that a card alone is nice but remains an “it” until some intentional presence accompanies. Then it really doesn’t matter what the ‘it’ is; what matters is the kindness. God is in that space or let’s call it the Divine. And it is not just about Valentine’s Day!

When we give cards, flowers, candy it becomes more of a sacred “thou” by virtue of the care and that care makes the giving embedded in a relationship instead of a mere act or obligation. I-Thou, as opposed to I-It, is all about right relationship, what we call righteousness in beatitudes. When we bring our whole selves into loving relationship it is about Thou, not it. AND Thouness defies words! 

I cannot possibly tell my beloveds with exactitude how much I love them. I can only bless the space, the hyphen, between us and imagine filling that space with as much sacred love as possible, with as much of “me”. I can stretch and try. This is remarkably similar to conversations I have with God or Nature or my dog! That takes “whole being”. 


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