Crucible of salvation


Another word which I have been pondering, indeed living, is “crucible”. Webster’s Dictionary offers this third definition: “a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.” Many of us picture a crucible as a vessel or structure in which heat creates chemical reactions, in which things are forged or shaped or changed. This third definition facilitates a more metaphysical not to mention psychological and spiritual image. The crucible which keeps creeping into my mind is a numinous space in which forces act on one’s psyche and soul causing transformation.

We have all been living in a crucible this past year. Even defenses such as denial or projection cannot ignore this state of “concentrated forces” influencing change on our lives. We can engage in this process and live into it or we can try to construct another narrative. The problem is the other narrative only offers temporary escape. 

I don’t think of a crucible as an inferno which destroys. While there may indeed be pain and suffering as forces act upon us, there might also be redemptive transformation. There may be growth. There may be joy. 

My image of the “product” of the crucible is of a reconstructed vessel, like Kintsukori pottery, where forces of gold and light and glue have, through a process of gathering and sorting, saving and subtracting, rendered a magnificent salvation. Wisdom may be the sorcerer of this crucible. Crucible may be intimately and “crucially” related to salvation!


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