Thoughts on Gentleness, Kindness and Grace

I have not written for a few days and may not for a few days after this. Consider this a placeholder! My mother died yesterday after a week of unexpected illness and organ failure. She was 89 and seemed to get more joyful each year. I loved her so immensely! We were able to be with her for the last 24 hours. She was courageous. And we were able by phone if not in hospital, to say goodbye and to tell her how much we love her and will miss her and how she taught us gentleness and kindness with grace always. Her parting words to each of us consistently was "Remember I will love you forever" Forever now has a meaning and substance to it like never before! And so in this season of the birth of Incarnate Love I have been called to ponder a death which somehow perpetuates and prolongs that love. While poignant and excruciating, this grief also contains hope and peace. I cherish the gentleness and kindness she emoted. They follow me and go before me always like a cradle, like a lu...