Sursum Corda

The other day I was reminded of how our faith and its language permeate our lives, albeit differently these days, in the following story:
When a serving of soup was offered to a family member with the words: Sam let’s have some meatballs. The response was And also with you!
These struck me as paraphrases of the sursum corda which begins our Eucharistic prayer:  The Lord be with you; and also with you; lift up your hearts; we lift them to the Lord. 
And so it is in these times when our hearts are weighed down we might intentionally lift them (it helps to physically lift our arms and open our chest and stretch toward the heavens) and in so doing remember spiritual communion which is boundless. 
The first time I was able to celebrate a Eucharist and offer the sursum corda, I wept. The power of the memory and conveyance of all salvation history was released in that moment. The wafers were a bit salty and soggy! 
It was and is a timeless moment; the sursum corda a timeless invocation. I am trying mightily in my grief to remember that moment which is and will always be not only timeless but the essence of communion which will never ever cease.
As it continues, it is a good and joyful thing always and everywhere to give thanks to You. Always and everywhere means always and everywhere. I am consoled.


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