Joy Unspeakable IV and Moment of Mystical Encounter

Going deeper into relationship with God and God’s creation is saving me. Finding and embracing new rhythms, blurting bottled up thoughts and prayers because I cannot do otherwise, and resting, simply resting in wonder as I gaze at freedom is liberating me. 
In Joy Unspeakable I am caught on the line:”that moment of mystical encounter when God tiptoes into the hush arbor, and whispers in our ears, ‘don’t forget, I taught you how to fly on a wing and a prayer, when you’re ready let’s go!’”
All that holy education, not the law school, the PhD, or the divinity school, no the holy education when God and I sat in tutorials as I tried to figure out who I am and how I am. Those tutorials were apparently about flight! 
And flight is about faith and freedom! Joy unspeakable is about remembering who and whose we are, in faith, and risking the step up and off the runway to fly! 
We who are isolated or quarantined, we who are sick and suffering, we who are anxious or impatient, we have been taught to fly with joy into freedom! 
May this be a moment of mystical encounter when I hear God whisper, let’s go!


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